Importing materials from all over the world!

Some days it is hard to realize that there is life outside your personal bubble. We shuffle along handling daily tasks, our jobs, our children, their activities, all while trying to maintain a social life! Can anyone else relate? Especially since our worlds have all been so affected by the current world situations, and most of our first experiences with a pandemic! Knowing that there is life outside our own spaces is nice, but experiencing it is a whole lot better! Sometimes a trip even outside our county can be exciting! Imagine exploring materials from all over the world right here inside Venango County! Here's what I am talking about! 

We have begun importing materials from a distribution company in Brazil; Brothers in Granite. You can view some of their videos on our website, and they have done an absolutely phenomenal job for us in providing us with materials that we haven't been able to get in the past. Materials that have allowed us to expand our inventory ( a lot ) but also add materials that we may not have been able to sell before. When you step into our showroom you are taken through a tour of the mountains and quarries of many different countries and regions. Being able to quickly view these slabs of material that were brought forth from the earth is amazing! 

Many of you drive right by our shop daily or weekly, stop in and take a look at some of the slabs that we have, and even more that we continue to receive. We are so fortunate to have space and opportunity to show the slabs that we have and it makes such a nice experience for our clients to come in and see our men at work and view all of the materials out of the elements! Our heated fabrication shop and indoor gallery provide the perfect place to choose your materials, and we can help you put everything together right here in our own shop! 

Although Brazil is our main location for importing, we offer granites, marbles, and quartzites. Most of the materials we stock have come from Brazil but others from India, China, and Italy. It is amazing that these pieces of material that we cut and put into homes were once a very small part of a giant mountain! In the grand scheme of building materials, very few have such a long and exciting life before they und up countertops, showers, and vanity tops! Although we prefer to stock and fabricate granite, we also offer Quartz. Quartz is a manmade material that is often chosen because of its ability to have a unified pattern and is less likely to have as much movement as granite. We don't stock any quartz, but we do offer samples and we are able to get many variations of it from many different companies. If Quartz is something you're interested in, please don't let our name fool you, we can sell Quartz as well! 

If you're looking for an escape from reality, and interested in seeing some materials from around the world right here in your very own hometown, don't be afraid to stop in and take a look around. We are always up for a chat, giving you a tour, and telling you everything we know about these amazing materials that we are so fortunate to work with every day. It can really open your eyes to the majesty of our earth and the beauty that she beholds under the same sun and moon that we see daily. 

Check out these videos for your enjoyment!


Peep this photo of us in Carrara, Italy in September 2019 ( before the world shut down). We toured the quarries of Massa and learned tons of awesome valuable information about the material and the families that have been working out of these quarries for hundreds of years! Awesome trip!